Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Word About Food...

Some may wonder what amazing dishes will be prepared for me while I'm in China...and those of you who know me well will know that tomatoes, olives and the ever dreaded mushroom will be politely escorted to the edge of my plate.

However, there are just a few additions to that little list that I'd like to make. Click on this link to check out the special edibles that I will be discreetly avoiding at all costs...(except maybe the corn w/ginger sauce).



Anonymous said...

You know. . .with the whole NO olives, tomatoes or mushrooms thing, I'm not sure we ARE related!

Then again, perhaps we just make perfect dining partners.

You may wanna note -- I HATE Brussels sprouts and eel sushi but you can have all my red meat, chicken and turkey!


anjer said...

this link is blocked by the firewall at work - haha! i'll have to check it at home!

Anonymous said...

I was so very happy to hear from you. Gads what are you going to eat???

love, M